import asyncio import aiotieba from aioflask import render_template, request, escape from urllib.parse import quote_plus from datetime import datetime from aiotieba.api.get_posts._classdef import * from aiotieba.api._classdef.contents import * from shared import * from extra import * ###################################################################### # Clean a leading part and append the text. def append_with_leading_clean(orig, content): if orig.endswith('
'): return orig[:-4] + content else: return orig + content # Return the corresponding user name for an id. async def cache_name_from_id(c, i): if not cache.get(i): r = await c.get_user_info(i, require=aiotieba.enums.ReqUInfo.USER_NAME) cache.set(i, r) ###################################################################### # Convert a timestamp to its simpliest readable date format. @app.template_filter('simpledate') def _jinja2_filter_simpledate(ts): t = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts) now = if == return t.strftime('%H:%m') elif t.year == now.year: return t.strftime('%m-%d') else: return t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # Convert a timestamp to a humand readable date format. @app.template_filter('date') def _jinja2_filter_datetime(ts, fmt='%Y年%m月%d日 %H点%m分'): return datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime(fmt) # Convert a integer to the one with separator like 1,000,000. @app.template_filter('intsep') def _jinja2_filter_intsep(i): return f'{int(i):,}' # Reduce the text to a shorter form. @app.template_filter('trim') def _jinja2_filter_trim(text): return text[:78] + '……' if len(text) > 78 else text # Format fragments to its equiviant HTML. @app.template_filter('translate') async def _jinja2_filter_translate(frags, reply_id=0): htmlfmt = '' if reply_id: htmlfmt += f'@{ cache.get(reply_id) } ' for i in range(len(frags)): frag = frags[i] if isinstance(frag, FragText): subfrags = frag.text.split('\n') for subfrag in subfrags: htmlfmt += str(escape(subfrag)) + '
' elif isinstance(frag, FragImage_p): htmlfmt += \ f'' \ f'' elif isinstance(frag, FragEmoji_p): htmlfmt = append_with_leading_clean(htmlfmt, f'[{ frag.desc }]') if i+1 < len(frags) and isinstance(frags[i+1], FragImage_p): htmlfmt += '
' elif isinstance(frag, FragLink): markup = '{ frag.title }' htmlfmt = append_with_leading_clean(htmlfmt, markup) elif isinstance(frag, FragAt): htmlfmt = append_with_leading_clean(htmlfmt, f'{ frag.text }') else: print('Unhandled: ', type(frag)) print(frag) return htmlfmt ###################################################################### @app.route('/p/') async def thread_view(tid): tid = int(tid) pn = int(request.args.get('pn') or 1) ao = int(request.args.get('ao') or 0) async with aiotieba.Client() as tieba: # Default to 15 posts per page, confirm to thread_info = await tieba.get_posts(tid, rn=15, pn=pn, with_comments=should_fetch_comments, only_thread_author=ao) available_users = [] for floor in thread_info: for comment in floor.comments: available_users.append(comment.author_id) cache.set(comment.author_id, comment.user.user_name) all_users = {} for floor in thread_info: for comment in floor.comments: if comment.reply_to_id and not comment.reply_to_id in available_users: all_users[comment.reply_to_id] = '' all_users = list(all_users.keys()) await asyncio.gather(*(cache_name_from_id(tieba, i) for i in all_users)) return await render_template('thread.html', info=thread_info, ao=ao) @app.route('/f') async def forum_view(): fname = request.args['kw'][:-1] if request.args['kw'][-1] == '吧' else request.args['kw'] pn = int(request.args.get('pn') or 1) sort = int(request.args.get('sort') or 0) async with aiotieba.Client() as tieba: if only_use_native_api: forum_info, threads = await asyncio.gather(tieba.get_forum_detail(fname), tieba.get_threads(fname, pn=pn, sort=sort)) if hasattr(forum_info, 'slogan'): forum_info = { 'avatar': extract_image_name(forum_info.origin_avatar), 'topic': forum_info.post_num, 'thread': forum_info.post_num, 'member': forum_info.member_num, 'desc': forum_info.slogan, 'name': forum_info.fname } else: forum_info = { 'avatar': 'a6efce1b9d16fdfa6291460ab98f8c5495ee7b51.jpg', 'topic': forum_info.post_num, 'thread': forum_info.post_num, 'member': forum_info.member_num, 'desc': '贴吧描述暂不可用', 'name': forum_info.fname } else: forum_info, threads = await asyncio.gather(awaitify(find_tieba_info)(fname), tieba.get_threads(fname, pn=pn, sort=sort)) if > or pn < 1: return await render_template('error.html', msg = \ f'请求越界,本贴吧共有 { } 页' f'而您查询了第 {} 页') return await render_template('bar.html', info=forum_info, threads=threads, sort=sort, tp = ((115 if > 115 else if sort == 0 else @app.route('/home/main') async def user_view(): pn = int(request.args.get('pn') or 1) i = request.args.get('id') try: # try converting it to user_id, otherwise using the string. i = int(i) except: pass async with aiotieba.Client() as tieba: try: hp = await tieba.get_homepage(i, pn) except ValueError: return await render_template('error.html', msg='您已超过最后页') if len(hp[1]) == 0 and pn > 1: return await render_template('error.html', msg='您已超过最后页') return await render_template('user.html', hp=hp, pn=pn) @app.route('/') async def main_view(): return await render_template('index.html') ###################################################################### @app.errorhandler(RuntimeError) async def runtime_error_view(e): if hasattr(e, 'msg'): return await render_template('error.html', msg=e.msg) return await render_template('error.html', msg='错误信息不可用') @app.errorhandler(Exception) async def general_error_view(e): return await render_template('error.html', msg=e) if __name__ == '__main__':