services: librey: image: container_name: librey network_mode: bridge ports: - 2005:8080 environment: - CONFIG_GOOGLE_DOMAIN=com - CONFIG_LANGUAGE=en - CONFIG_NUMBER_OF_RESULTS=10 - CONFIG_INVIDIOUS_INSTANCE= - CONFIG_DISABLE_BITTORRENT_SEARCH=false - CONFIG_HIDDEN_SERVICE_SEARCH=false - CONFIG_INSTANCE_FALLBACK=true - CONFIG_RATE_LIMIT_COOLDOWN=25 - CONFIG_CACHE_TIME=20 - CONFIG_DISABLE_API=false - CONFIG_TEXT_SEARCH_ENGINE=auto - CURLOPT_PROXY_ENABLED=false - CURLOPT_PROXY= - CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE=CURLPROXY_HTTP - CURLOPT_USERAGENT=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:116.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/116.0 - CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION=true volumes: # - ./nginx_logs:/var/log/nginx # Disabled by default. These are the NGINX request logs. - ./php_logs:/var/log/php83 # Enabled by default. These are the PHP error logs. restart: unless-stopped watchtower: # Watchtower is not required but highly recommended, since Watchtower will re-pull and restart the LibreY container automatically whenever there's an update. image: containrrr/watchtower volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock